Accelerate FLN.
Beat the NIPUN Deadline.

Leadership Circle 2

19-20 February 2025 WUCC Auditorium, LDA, Lucknow

Leadership Circle

Boost FLN in just 30-45 days. Beat the NIPUN Deadline.

Why attend?

  • Learn from districts that have accelerated FLN success.
  • Engage in discussions with policymakers and education experts to address barriers and find actionable solutions.
  • Experience proven FLN solutions firsthand through school visits and interactive exhibits.
  • Network with like-minded policymakers and educationists to journey with.

Bring NGO & CSR Partners!

  • 19-20 February Panel Discussions, Roundtables
  • 21 February School Visits, Ayodhya Visit (Optional)

Eminent Leaders Supporting Change

Shri Rajnath Singh

Hon'ble Minister of Defence,

Smt. Anandiben Patel

Hon'ble Governor,
Uttar Pradesh

Shri Manoj Kumar Singh

Hon'ble Chief Secretary,
Uttar Pradesh

Shri Brajesh Pathak

Hon'ble Deputy CM,
Uttar Pradesh

Shri Rohit Thakur

Hon'ble Minister of Education,
Himachal Pradesh

Shri Sandeep Singh

Hon'ble Minister of State for Education,
Uttar Pradesh

CSR Panel DiscussionThe role of CSR in promoting FLN

Mr Anurag srivastava

Head, Digital Impact Office & Corporate Affairs, (South Asia), CISCO

Ms Archana Sahay

APJ CSR Head Dell Technologies

Mr Deepak shandilya

Vice President, CSR RBI Bank

Ms Joyeeta Das

Ex IBM CSR Global Impact Leader

Mr Khurram Naayaab

General Manager, CSR for Vedanta Group Head-Governance for Anil Agarwal Foundation

Mr Kumar Anurag Pratap

Head CSR, Capgemini India

Ms sangita Dandapat

Project Lead, Foundational Literacy & Numeracy Kotak Education Foundation

Ms sherin Ali

Global CSR Lead WNS Global Services

High-Level Delegations Exploring ALfA

Leadership Circle Schedule

DAY 1 : 19 February, 2025

Registration 8.30 - 9.00 AM
Welcome Cultural Performance, Lighting the Lamp 9.00 - 9.30 AM
Icebreakers Networking 9.30 - 10.00 AM
Address by Convenor FLN Crisis 10.00 - 10.30 AM
ALfA Classroom Presentation by OneTara Children 10.30 - 11.00 AM
Live Presentation Government Schools Video Link 11.00 - 11.30 AM
Numeracy Training Paradigm Shift in Pedagogy 11.30 - 1.00 PM
Lunch 1.00 - 2.00 PM
CSR panel FLN: The World's best investment 2.00 - 3.15 PM
Government Panel Policies to accelerate learning 3.15 - 4.30 PM
Brainstorming Reflection & Learnings 4.30 - 5.00 PM

DAY 2 : 20 February, 2025

Address by Convenor Scalable Solutions 9.00 - 9.30 AM
Literacy Training Understanding ALfA books & process 9.30 - 10.30 AM
OneTara School Empowering you to launch 10.30 - 11.00 AM
International Panel Virtual addresses from partners in Africa 11.00 - 11.30 AM
NGO Panel Research Implementation Results 11.30 - 1.00 PM
Lunch 1.00 - 2.00 PM
CSR Panel Overcoming Challenges to FLN for All 2.00 - 3.30 PM
Conclusions Action Points, Signing MOUs 3.30 - 4.30 PM
Closing Ceremony Vote of thanks, Certificates 4.30 - 5.00 PM

DAY 3 : 21 February, 2025

ALfA in Govt Schools Classroom observation 9.00 - 10.00 AM
Discussion with teachers & principals 10.00 - 11.00 AM
Ayodhya Trip Visit to Ram Mandir 11 AM onwards
Join us in the FLN Revolution

India's fastest growing Program for fln

Beat the NIPUN Deadline with ALfA

Partner for Universal Literacy & Numeracy in your State/UT using a new PATH - Pioneering Academic Transformation and Holistic FLN.

Thin Booklets

low cost, low carbon low psychological burden

Ed Tech Tools & Apps

for use in school and home

Learning Materials

locally available, sustainable, reusable

Teacher Training

highly participatory Online/Offline

Teacher Handbook

video repository


scanning app enables instant reports

Swift, Scalable, Sustainable

10X faster

to learn foundational literacy and numeracy skills

10X cheaper

Minimal cost per child, including learning materials, assessments, training

10X less paper

Thin booklets and locally available, reusable learning materials

High Impact, Low Cost

Comparing leading FLN programs around the world shows that ALfA has among the highest benefit:cost ratios, representing a return of $720 on each dollar invested (0.48 Effect Size). Other high return investments are Structured Pedagogy 1:105 (0.13 Effect Size) and TaRL with Technology 1:65 (0.15 Effect Size).

Three Times the District's Score

NIPUN Assessment Test (NAT) by UP government shows that ALfA boosted FLN results by 2-3 times in places it was implemented.

In government's own NAT, Hilauli block topped in Unnao. 47% of Hilauli's schools were found to have reached NIPUN status,* three times the district average (15%) and double the state average (24%). This was due to ALfA's impact over just 35 implementation days. Pedagogy matters!

*A 'NIPUN school' is defined as one in which 80% or more of sampled students passed the basic literacy assessment in each of Grade 1, 2 and 3.

The ALfA pedagogy has been implemented in the 155 schools of Hilauli block since September 2023. There has been a substantial improvement in children’s learning levels, in very little time. The ALfA pedagogy has helped Hilauli become NIPUN; for this I praise and recommend your work. Sangeeta Singh, Unnao BSA

A New Roadmap to NIPUN


  • System-wide Adopt across a broad geographical area to race towards universal FLN before NIPUN deadline.
  • Research Implementation Take up ALfA in one of the least-performing districts or blocks. Measure the impact after 30-45 days.


  • Incorporate into curriculum Merge ALfA materials with the existing textbooks.Reduce some pages to avoid duplication, keeping overall printing cost low.
  • Scaffold for Impact After the ALfA study materials are completed in 30-45 days, students move to more rapidly complete their regular textbooks.


  • Training Cascade In-person training can be cascaded by empowering a sequence of master trainers and trainers.
  • Massive Open Online Training MOOT online training is very effective and highly interactive. It saves time.

Evidence Harvard Graduate School of Education

Rebuilding cover
The effect size of the project was 0.23 for Grade 3 students and 0.89 for Grade 5... the results suggest there is significant value in pursuing the ALFA model in other schools if implemented in a coherent, structured, and coordinated manner.

Chapter 8 of a book by prof. Fernando Reimers and team at HGSE shows results from a 40 day implementation of ALfA Shamli, a Low-Performing District of India in 2022. After 41% of the district's schools adopted ALfA, the district rose to Rank 18 of 75 in Uttar Pradesh with an average of 36% of schools NIPUN in the governments own NIPUN Assessment Test (state average was 24%).

Learn More

Listen to Shri Shanmuga Sundaram, Principal Secretary for Education, UP, outline his plans to scale up ALfA in at least 1 lakh of Uttar Pradesh's primary schools

Read Dr. Gandhi's book, Accelerating Learning for All. Bloomsbury, 2024

Read a detailed roadmap for making India NIPUN

Press Accounts

Of First Leadership Circle Conference

DEVI Sansthan Brings Together Stakeholders From 19 States At Leadership Summit To Accelerate Progress Towards NIPUN Bharat

Policymakers, corporate representatives, and grassroots organizations from 19 states came together to address regional challenges and accelerate progress towards the ambitious NIPUN Bharat goals at a leadership summit hosted by DEVI Sansthan, a leading advocate for foundational literacy and numeracy (FLN).

Join event

Transformative Leadership Circle Aims at Elevating Foundational Literacy in India

DEVI Sansthan's 'Leadership Circle' in Lucknow brought together key stakeholders to address regional challenges in foundational literacy. The event featured innovative solutions, prominent policymakers, and a commitment to accelerate literacy efforts nationwide using ALfA pedagogy, thereby strengthening education frameworks and equipping future generations towards progress.

Read More
Lucknow News
Dainik Bhaskar

Making India NIPUN In 45 Days

FLN Booster

We all agree that the lack of Foundational Literacy & Numeracy (FLN) is a huge problem. The question is: What can be done? Are there high-impact, low-cost solutions that can help us achieve NIPUN goals? Join us at the Leadership Circle to find out.

Register Now Download Brochure

General Event Information

Leadership Circle is an action-oriented conference bringing together eminent educationists, policymakers and NGOs to scale up solutions to India's literacy crisis.

Government leaders, policymakers, NGO & CSR leaders, and education experts.

In Lucknow or Online, on 19-20 February 2025, with an optional program for the 21th of February that includes option of schools visits, an FLN expo and visit to the Ram Mandir and the cultural city of Ayodhya.

Yes, the registration fee is Rs 1,900 only, which is all inclusive.

While participants will have to bear their own travel costs, we will provide full hospitality and accommodation at the event.

Participants will enjoy an education expo, also visiting local schools to witness ALfA in action in the classroom. There is also a potential trip to sites of cultural and religious significance in Ayodhya.