NIPUN Bharat is Possible Before 2026

We all agree that the lack of Foundational Literacy & Numeracy (FLN) is a huge problem. The question is: Why? In spite of governments making FLN the topmost priority with renewed focus, increased funding, greater training and supervision, more study material, we have not been able to reach pre-Covid levels even after three years of the pandemic. What can be done?

The Missing Piece: Pedagogy

There is one aspect that has rarely been dwelt upon: pedagogy. Governments mandate curricula based on assumptions of what works, guided by existing norms and established expertise - but if these were working, we would not be in such a dire situation right now.

Imagine a doctor who only uses equipment developed 100 years ago, with minor modifications. How effective would they be, despite their hard work? Sadly, this is the situation of many of our schools, running on badly outdated pedagogy.

ALfA: Accelerating Learning for All

At the invitation of Anita Karwal, Secretary, MOE, India, ALfA was launched in 2022 in two low performing districts (LPDs) of India: Shamli, UP and Sambalpur, Odisha. Two years later, it is spreading quickly, with MoUs in place for implementation in 15,000 schools. The evidence – both from third-party evaluations like the Harvard report, and from the government’s own NIPUN Assessment Test – shows that ALfA is helping children rapidly learn reading, writing and arithmetic.

A Call to Action

ALfA is swift, sustainable, and scaleable. We hereby invite governments around the country to conduct a 45-day pilot in a few blocks or districts, and scale-up to the State/UT levels once research results showcase the enormous potential of this new pedagogy.

India can achieve NIPUN goals before the deadline of 2026/27, if we adopt ALfA now, not only to bridge the current gaps but also to ensure that future generations of children gain the skills they need to thrive.

Sunita Gandhi

Former Economist, The World Bank, USA
PhD, Physics, Cambridge University, UK
Founder & CEO, DEVI Sansthan, India
Dignity Education Vision International

1 Billion Literate

DEVI Vision & Mission

DEVI Vision & Mission

DEVI Sansthan (Dignity Education Vision International), a non-profit organization with a global reach, is spearheading educational transformation with a special focus on foundational literacy. Our revolutionary approach embeds global citizenship skills and climate change education. With the vision of universal quality education and literacy, we use research-backed, swift, scalable, and replicable techniques and methodologies to effect lasting change.

Why Literacy?

Why Literacy?

Literacy is the foundation of a child's education. Universal literacy is key to a nation's peace, progress and prosperity. The ability to read, write and do basic arithmetic is a key human right, without which many other rights cannot be realised.

70% of 10-year-olds in Low and Middle Income Countries around the world cannot read (World Bank). We urgently need to tackle this literacy crisis.

Why ALfA ?

Why ALfA ?

Accelerating Learning for All is a groundbreaking pedagogy that enables children and adults alike to learn to read in just three months - not the three years it takes in conventional education. Read on to discover how this is possible!

ALfA The Birth of a Pedagogy

india impact
international impact
alfa pedagogy

From 20 schools to 20 districts in 2 years

ALfA had its origins in literacy labs conducted in the slums of Lucknow. It has since spread far and wide across India, with numerous languages and states piloting ALfA or even implementing it at the district level.

Learning with Understanding

Children in Himachal Pradesh, India, make maths questions for each other and use hands-on techniques to solve.

Exponential Growth

Since its inception in 2022, ALfA has exploded in schools and adult literacy programs around the country. Looking forwards, many other districts and states have expressed interest in starting or expanding ALfA programs.

NIPUN Achievement Test

The NIPUN Achievement Test was conducted in schools across Uttar Pradesh in late 2023, and results were released in February 2024. District-wise analysis showed a strong correlation between the proportion of schools taking up ALfA in a particular district, and its scores on the NAT, as shown in the figure below.

Results in NAT Aer Just 45 Days of ALfA

100% schools implemented ALfA Rank 1 out of 17 blocks in Unnao Triple the district average (15%)

Formerly Low Performing District 41% schools implemented ALfA Now ranks 18 out of 75 districts

Results in NAT: Comparison of ALfA schools with overall averages

Schools Tested # Schools NIPUN % Schools NIPUN
UP Overall Schools Tested 68,352 16,169 24%
4 districts (Lucknow, Shamli, Unnao, Barabanki) Schools Tested 3,682 638 17% 2xImpact
ALfA Schools Tested 344 120 35%
1 District (Hilauli Block versus Unnao averages) Schools Tested 1,322 193 15% 3xImpact
ALfA Schools Tested 85 40 47%

Research Implementations

ALfA implementation was conducted initially as randomised control trials, with schools randomly allocated to treatment and control groups. Control schools were not given any training or materials, but baseline and endline testing was conducted. Testing was conducted in a randomly selected subset of schools. In some larger implementations (Solan, Lucknow Phase 2 & Unnao Phase 2), all schools of a particular block or district were adopted, without a control group. This geography-wide implementation allows us to demonstrate results at the blockor district-level in UP government tests like the NIPUN Assessment Test (NAT).

ALfA Research Implementations

District (Grey = outside UP) Schools
Treatment Control Total
Sambalpur (Odisha) 10 10 20
Solan (HP) 470 0 470
Shimla (HP) 119 0 119
Leh (Ladakh) 30 5 35
Shamli Ph 1 10 10 20
Shamli Ph 1 200 70 270
Barabanki 30 20 50
Unnao Ph 1 30 20 50
Unnao Ph 2 (Hilauli) 155 0 155
Lucknow Ph 1 110 60 170
Lucknow Ph 2 582 0 582
Total Schools 1,746 195 1,941
Total Children 153,570 33,386 186,956

Impact At Scale

Across the different districts, students showed dramatic improvement in learning levels, as measured by comprehensive & difficult third-party tests, which measure each competency specified in NIPUN Bharat and NAS.

Note The orange circles show baseline test results, green circles show endline tests.

interactive learning





  • Hilauli jumped from Rank 17 to Rank 1 in Unnao just after 22 working days in the Intensive Mode.
  • 47% of schools were found to be NIPUN in Hilauli compared with 15% of schools of Unnao as a whole, and 24% in UP.
I am delighted to inform you that the ALfA pedagogy has been implemented in the 155 schools of Hilauli block since September 2023. There has been a substantial improvement in children’s learning levels, in very little time. In the assessments conducted by the Department of Education, Hilauli has come first in Unnao district. The ALfA pedagogy has helped Hilauli become NIPUN; for this I praise and recommend your work. I hope that you continue assisting in the educational field going forwards. Sangeeta Singh, Unnao BSA

In a government test conducted in November 2023 (partway through the ALfA implementation), Hilauli topped the ranking among Unnao's 17 blocks. 85 of Hilauli's schools were tested, out of which 40 were deemed to be 'NIPUN schools'.* This translates to 47% of Hilauli's schools being NIPUN, over triple the rate for Unnao overall (15%) and double the state average (24%).

A 'NIPUN school' is defined as one in which 80% or more of sampled students passed the basic literacy assessment in each of Grade 1, 2 and 3.

Following the impressive results in other districts, the Block Education Officer of Hilauli (Unnao district) requested ALfA implementation in all the schools of his block. The ALfA program’s success in doubling the test scores of an NAT-style assessment between October and December 2023 showed that it is possible to achieve dramatic results in record time. Students showed huge improvements across different grade levels, in both Hindi and Maths.



Testing was conducted in randomly selected 42 out of 155 Schools. Baseline: Oct 2023; Endline: Dec 2023

District Pilots Lucknow & Barabanki





The results from Lucknow and Barabanki showcased a rate of improvement in the ALfA classes more than double that of the control group schools over the course of 2023. Results were particularly impressive for Hindi. All results shown here are for Grade 3, as it was not possible to track the same cohort of Grade 5 students who graduated at the end of the academic year and moved into upper primary school.



High Impact Low Cost

Comparing leading FLN programs around the world shows that ALfA has among the highest benefit:cost ratios, representing a return of $720 on each dollar invested (0.48 Effect Size). Other high return investments are Structured Pedagogy 1:105 (0.13 Effect Size) and TaRL with Technology 1:65 (0.15 Effect Size).


SBI Foundation has partnered with DEVI Sansthan with a view to help 10,000 illiterate adults (15-60 years old) and out-of-school children (6-14 years) become foundationally literate in Hindi using a Web-Based Literacy Project initiative.

In a 2023 agreement with the Department of Secondary Schools in Uttar Pradesh, up to 5 million student volunteers are set to use the Literacy Now App to teach illiterate relatives and neighbours.

Just 45 Days

It normally takes three years – or more – to teach children the skill to read, write and do basic arithmetic. But with the ALfA pedagogy, it is possible in as little as 45 days. How? Read on.

Launch in 2022 with Secretary MOE, India

IAS Anita Karwal, Secretary, Ministry of Education, 2022 trusted DEVI Sansthan to implement ALfA in two lowperforming districts of India (above with Dr. Sunita Gandhi, Founder, DEVI)

Why is it faster & more effective?

There are at least 3 reasons why ALfA greatly speeds up learning and makes it more effective:

'Known to unknown' pedagogy. Drawing upon children's prior knowledge, ALfA uses cognitive connections to discover new learning.

Designed for paired work Children learn and retain more when they interact with each other. ALfA creates a happier, holistic, and more inclusive classroom.

A different scaffolding. The thin ALfA booklets are designed for paired learning. They scaffold learning differently from the best of traditional books.

ALfA: An inclusive classroom

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Fast Literacy

ALfA Literacy draws upon children's natural ability to derive first sounds of pictures they know, as versus first sounds of letters they do not know. Children are able to derive these first sounds and add them on their own to form words from the first day. They read by taking turns and ask each other questions.

A 40-page ALfA booklet and 45 school days are enough to swiftly build reading and early writing skills. Based on this foundation, children develop deeper understanding, richer vocabulary and greater fluency in reading and writing with time.

How to Teach ALfA Literacy

Explore Now

Each lesson introduces 4-6 letters. If the students aren’t familiar with the pictures associated with each letter, then you may need to do some activities to introduce them

Prompts explain the process and also provide links to more resources.

Children take turns to ask each other questions:

  • What is this picture?
  • What is its first sound?
  • What do these sounds join together to make?

The box at the bottom enables children to practice the same letters with new words.

Fast Numeracy

ALfA numeracy draws on concrete to absstact experiences. Children learn with each other and discover numbers and operations doing paired learning with concrete objects that are easily available. Children ask questions of each other.

Just 28 pages of ALfA booklets help build a much deeper level of understanding than typical 300 page textbooks and workbooks combined. Just 45 Days is sufficient to complete the foundational skills, and often take learning to beyond Grade level mathematics.

How to Teach ALfA Numeracy

Explore Now

Word problems connect math with real life

Simple-to-understand pictorial representation

Prompts describing the activity & encouraging each pair to make their own questions.

Beyond Academics

ALfA provides a truly 21st century education. Beyond literacy and numeracy, the paired learning environment and taking turns helps children develop crucial skills and traits, including collaboration, critical thinking, citizenship and climate consciousness, among others.


Children in the Maldives develop their communication and collaboration skills by solving math questions together.

21st Century Skills

ALfA seamlessly integrates the skills and traits of a twenty-first century learner. These 8Cs cannot be taught from a textbook, but rather acquired while working with each other in the everyday context of a classroom. The paired setting creates a safe environment for learning socio-emotional competencies.


Four Skills

random image

Critical Thinking

Being able to analyse & solve problems, and ask insightful questions is crucial. ALfA builds critical thinking as pairs create new questions for each other, challenging each other to think deeply.

random image


The world needs people who can think outside the box and imagine new solutions. ALfA fosters creativity, encouraging students to choose their own learning materials, questions, and projects.

random image


It is incredibly valuable to both be able to speak confidently and also listen carefully and sensitively. The process of paired learning in ALfA inculcates good communication skills.

random image


A brilliant team is built by people who are in the habit of cooperation and collaboration. Again, paired learning in ALfA builds students' ability and desire to collaborate.

Four Traits

random image


Seeking the common good for all is vital to being a responsible citizen. Random pairing mixes students from diverse backgrounds, giving them the opportunity to develop their citizenship.

random image


Feeling in touch with others is key to fostering resiliency and socio-emotional wellbeing. ALfA fosters students' connectedness with each other, with their teacher, and with the world around them.

random image

Climate consciousness

The next generation must have a deep awareness of environmental issues, and act on this knowledge. ALfA is building this consciousness through short stories on key environmental issues.

random image


A person's inner virtues shine out from within and illuminate others' lives. ALfA develops these virtues through the practical experience of working together; along with customized role-plays that prompt reflection on virtues.


Climate Education

Education needs to address the climate crises in new and creative ways, for example, reduce carbon footprint by saving millions of tons of paper and ink wasted each year in printing textbooks and workbooks. Learners also need to become climate actors.

  • Low Carbon Footprint Imagine if we could use 1/10th or 1/20th of the paper currently used in textbooks and workbooks! ALfA booklets are thin, and paper use is further halved when two learners work as a pair. ALfA digital resources are also freely available.
  • Climate Consciousness Children avoid plastic and learn to select and use sustainable materials like pebbles, shells and leaves for hands-on activities.
  • Climate Action Climate action is integrated in the activities. Further, the learners enact roleplays and read stories that inspire climate action.

Nature Integration

Research & Reports

ALfA was developed based on years of research, and has been covered in a recent book by Harvard Graduate School of Education Professor Fernando Reimers.

No-to-Low Carbon, No-to-Low Cost

Children often gather resources from their environment & assign them values like 100’s, 10’s and 1’s.


Chapter 8

Chapter 8 of ‘Rebuilding Resilient Education Systems After the Covid-19 Pandemic’, published in March 2023, documents the ALfA program in Shamli, and recommends its widespread adoption.

Book By Prof. Fernando Reimers et al,
Harvard Graduate School of Education

Students in the intervention groups had much higher ORF [oral reading fluency] levels than those in the reference group. For Grades 4-5, 50% of the intervention group students were able to read the passage at >90 words per minute (WPM) compared to 20% of reference group students.

The effect size* of the project was 0.23 for Grade 3 students and 0.89 for Grade 5... the results suggest there is significant value in pursuing the ALFA model in other schools if implemented in a coherent, structured, and coordinated manner.

Effect size is a statistical measure of an intervention’s impact. A business-asusual school year in developing countries typically raises literacy levels by 0.15 to 0.21 standard deviations. This means that the ALfA 45-day intervention raised learning levels by the equivalent of 2-4 years worth of school. Control: Evans, David K.; Yuan, Fei. 2019. Equivalent Years of Schooling: A Metric to Communicate Learning Gains in Concrete Terms. Policy Research Working Paper;No. 8752. World Bank, Washington, DC

Accelerated Learning for All (ALFA), helps children quickly gain FLN competencies. The pedagogical approach works as follows: students start with known words in the form of pictures, identify the sounds, and work backward to the letters.

We recommend the UP government (1) incorporate the promising ALFA pedagogy developed by DEVI for the first 6 weeks to quickly establish a strong FLN foundation, (2) after the ALFA program, shift to the curriculum.

Proven to be Effective

ALfA around the globe

ALfA is changing lives far beyond India, in contexts as diverse as the remote Peruvian Amazon and the suburbs of Chicago, USA. Available in 30+ languages, this low-cost, high-efficacy program is ready to scale up further in the effort to bring literacy for all.

Teacher: A Galvanizer

Teachers and Trainers from 8 countries attended the ALfA TOT in Malaysia


Accelerating Learning for All is available in 33 languages, making this quality pedagogy freely accessible to millions around the world.

Indian Languages

India Map














* in process

International Languages

International Map



















Global Partnerships

DEVI Sansthan is collaborating with numerous schools, NGOs and governments around the world in the effort to bring higher quality education for all, with a special focus on disadvantaged groups. From Peru to Chicago, from Maldives to Kenya, ALfA is showcasing impressive results, which are showcased in the coming pages. Come, join the movement!

Maldives Alfa in The Archipelago

The Ministry of Education engaged DEVI Sansthan (with UNICEF support) to undertake an ALfA pilot across the whole country’s 200+ schools. In the first phase of the implementation, 13 schools are implementing ALfA while 5 are serving as a control. From September to December 2023 (45 days) test scores in ALfA schools had double the rate of improvement compared to control group schools.

Schools using ALfA English gained 7 percentage points, compared to 1 percentage point gain in control schools. This corresponded to an effect size of 0.42.

Peru Alfa in The Amazon

In collaboration with Arca Beta NGO, we are piloting ALfA in a school in the remote Amazon. Results are impressive, and discussions are now underway with government for scaling up.

When the students came first, they wrote scribbles; they didn't know how to read. The students began to pronounce the images and words from the communication book. They worked in pairs. They began to form simple words, then more complex words and small sentences. Now, 80% of the students are reading. It is engaging and exciting for the students. Thank you so much. Sheila, Grade 1A Teacher, Sachachorro school, Iquitos, Peru

Test scores in Sachachorro school, before and after 45 day ALfA implementation

Watch Classroom Footage from Peru

Watch Video

USA No Age Limit for Education

We are working together with Literacy Chicago, who are using the ALfA toolkit to teach adults how to read, write and do basic arithmetic.

Literacy for All
Reading Level improvement in ALfA learners was much greater than non-ALfA learners
This program is fun to teach, easy for students to follow, and creates community and quick, efficient learning. The organisation of the lessons and plans is clear and supportive. I recommend it. - Alexandra Murman, Volunteer, Literacy Chicago
A positive aspect of the ALfA reading program is that students can work at their own pace. Some students may go through the first five lessons quickly; others may need to work on them slowly, repeating some over and over. Everyone makes progress, and the beauty of the faces on those who achieve even a little success is inspiring. - Marcia Banzuly, Volunteer, Literacy Chicago

Learners’ Perspectives

"It helps me spell. I can focus better and am learning to recognise the sounds." – Osman

“Now I can pace myself. You learn the sounds and break down the words to sound them out, it is easier to read.” – Linnea

“I am making progress learning the sounds of the letters. It is helping me to know the meanings of the words I am reading.” – Dahla

Kenya FLN Intensive

We are collaborating with Path Youth NGO, to run an ALfA literacy & numeracy bootcamp for children from the slums of Mombassa.

During the literacy and numeracy initiative, we observed that students exposed to this pedagogy consistently demonstrate increased enthusiasm for learning, and improved academic performance. The positive outcomes reflect not only academic achievements but also the development of life skills that prepare students for future challenges. Salim Ali Mazang'ang'a, Director, Path Youth Organization

Learners' Testimonies

I am very grateful to be part of this literacy and numeracy bootcamp. I have learned a lot, and now I have more confidence in reading and counting. Thank you for providing this opportunity to improve our education.

This bootcamp has completely changed my life. I had significant difficulties with reading and counting, but now I can say I have gained enough skills to overcome those challenges. I thank all the teachers for their dedication.

Ghana 6-school research implementation

We are collaborating with Olinga Foundation to implement ALfA in six schools of Ghana. After 40 days of implementation, the proportion of students reading at the highest level (Level 6) almost doubled from 22% to 41%.

Malaysia Training Reimagined

Teachers, principals & government officials gathered together from eight different countries to join an interactive workshop on the ALfA pedagogy, sowing the seeds for ALfA to bloom in South-East Asia. In Malaysia, we began an ALfA pilot in collaboration with Radiant Gems Preschool.

Philippines A New Dawn

Having partnered with Dawnbreakers Foundation to replicate the material in Filipino, they are now using it to teach in a remote area of Mindoro.

Trinidad & Tobago Research Implementation

We are partnering with El Dorado South Hindu School to trial ALfA.

Classroom Implementation in Trinidad & Tobago

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Teacher Training At Scale



countries with representatives from all 6 continents participated


of participants found the online format of the training to be effective


of participants passed the quiz & were shared free access to ALfA materials


of teachers said they had new take-away points from the training

Several audience polls were used in the Hindi sessions of the MOOT to gauge participants' attitude. The results, which were overwhelmingly positive, are shown below.

MOOT Interactive Trainnig

The Missing Piece

Discover how this disruptive pedagogy works, and what makes it more impactful than the best of existing systems.

Nurturing Intrinsic Motivation

A young girl shows how to represent a number using ice cream sticks and matchsticks. Fast track literacy camp, Lucknow, India.

A Process-Led Pedagogy

Accelerating Learning for All (ALfA) is a groundbreaking structured pedagogy, designed to enable children to gain foundational literacy and numeracy skills in as little as 45 days. What makes ALfA so effective? It is the combination of learning materials, pedagogy, curriculum and teacher training.

4-Step Process of Learning


The transaction of learning is not from teacher to student, but rather between two children.


Books are simple, modular, and highly visual, enabling children to learn independently.


Children work from known to unknown: rather than ‘a for apple’, they derive the first sound from a picture.


ALfA doesn’t just develop children’s academic abilities; it fosters 21st century skills including creativity, critical thinking and collaboration.

Why Paired Learning ?

Children working together in pairs, rather than passively listening to the teacher, can transform the pace and quality of learning.

The Problem

In a traditional classroom, the teacher is unable to pay attention to each individual student: as the teacher progresses through the curriculum, many students are left behind.

A Disruptive Approach

In pairs, even the shiest child becomes an active participant in learning. Learning is individualised and highly engaging, with each pair

Studies around the world have found that peer learning has a huge array of academic and social benefits:

improved academic performance1

deeper understanding2

equality between students3

higher engagement4

improved behaviour5

Table Key differences between traditional and ALfA classrooms

Traditional classroom ALfA classroom
Students working in whole class or groups, sitting in rows facing the teacher. Students working in pairs is the main modality, they are facing each other.
Children are grouped by skill level. Groups are fixed for a long period of time. Random pairing which ensures diversity. Pairs are changed frequently, so that children get to mix and work with others of all ability levels and background.
All children are on the same textbook page, everyone is working on the same question. Some are bored while others find it too difficult Different pairs are on different modules at any given time; children are given their own.

Research & Controls

  1. Academic Performance: Babayigit, Ö. & Erkus, B. (2022). Effect of Peer Teaching on the Academic Achievement of Fourth Grade Primary School Students. International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies, 9(3), 782–791.
  2. Deeper Understanding: Romano, P. & Walker, J. (2010). “Bio Buddies:” Peer Tutoring as an Instructional Strategy. NERA Conference Proceedings 2010 (3), pgs 1-69.
  3. Equality: Lorenzo, M. et al. (2006). Reducing the gender gap in the physics classroom. American Journal of Physics 74(2), 118-122.
  4. Higher Engagement: Arieno, C.L. (2007). The Advantages of Class Wide Peer Tutoring in an Urban Eighth Grade Inclusion Science Class. [Unpublished master's thesis]. State University of New York at Brockport.
  5. Improved Behaviour: Eskay, M. et al. (2012). Use of Peer Tutoring, Cooperative Learning, and Collaborative Learning: Implications for Reducing Anti-Social Behavior of Schooling Adolescents. US-China Education Review (11A). Pages 932-945.

Pragati Assessments App

ALfA assessments foster cooperation not competition and prompt students to focus on learning progress, not marks.

The Problem

  • Many exams test factual recall but not deeper understanding.
  • Exams are used to classify students into 'strong' and 'weak' – labels that are unhelpful for all.
  • Exams take days or weeks for teachers to mark, creating a substantial lag between the student sitting the exam and receiving feedback.
  • When students do receive feedback, all they typically get is a percentage or grade, which doesn't help them understand the specific areas they need to work on.1

A Disruptive Approach

Assessment data should be used to 'identify areas of learning and development where children may need support or extension’.2 Tests should be ipsative – that is, children should be competing with themselves, striving to improve over their past efforts, rather than competing against each other.3

Traditional Assessments Paradigm Shift
Why? Purpose Summative: Sorting and ranking students. Formative: Informing the teaching-learning process. Students compete with themselves, not each other.
What/ When? Methods High-stakes exams: Lots of memorisation required, fixed timings. Low-stakes repertoire: Mix of assignments and portfolios too. Frequent, unannounced tests, problem-solving and unseen passages.
How? Reporting Focus on overall marks: Lots of teacher marking required, delayed results, takes away time from learning. Focus on Progress: Use Pragati or similar app to provide specific, easy-to-understand feedback for learner, teacher and policy-maker.

Research & Controls

  1. Markovich, Isidora. 2021. Why Giving Instant Feedback is Important for Effective Learning. EDUME.
  2. Ministry of Education, Government of India. 2021. NIPUN Bharat Guidelines, p. 131. BHARAT_GUIDELINES_EN.pdf
  3. Gandhi, Sunita. 2017. Compete With Yourself (CWY): Maximising Learning Gain in Schools. In: Hughes G. (eds) Ipsative Assessment and Personal Learning Gain. Palgrave Macmillan, London. 1-137-56502-0_11

Tech-Enabled Research

A multiple-choice question paper was designed based on the NIPUN Bharat Competencies (for Balvatika to Grade 3) and the National Achievement Survey (for Grade 5), in consultation with DIET. The paper was divided into three sections based on the Grade level of the NIPUN competency being tested by each question.

Balvatika and Grade 1 students did only Section A, which was age appropriate. Grade 2 & 3 students did Section B (age appropriate) but also Section A. Grade 4 & 5 students did all three sections, as shown in the diagram below. This unique design enables cross-grade comparisons of children’s learning.

Section A Section A Section A
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5

Assessment was invigilated by a third party (college students), after receiving a training from the DEVI team. The surveyors requested teachers requested to remain outside the classroom during the tests, to minimise the possibility of cheating.

Instant, Detailed Competency-Wise Feedback with Pragati App

Competency-Wise Analysis

The endline test given is scientifically similar to the baseline (though not identical), allowing a genuine measurement of progress. The Pragati App generates a detailed personalized report card at multiple levels (child, class, school, district) which shows with a colour code which topics have been mastered and which need more work. Pragati report cards enable children to focus on their progress over time rather than comparing against others.

Grade 2, Dakshata 4 Answering comprehension questions from unseen passage.


Grade 1, Dakshata 2 Understanding and representing sequences & patterns.


Voices from the Field

The ALfA pedagogy has been recognised by many eminent leaders - both politicians and pedagogues. Many teachers have also appreciated the transformation it has brought to their classrooms

Training Entire Nations

Teachers from the Maldives enjoy solving questions at an ALfA numeracy training.

Policymaker Testimonials

Pedagogue Testimonials

Testimonials Teachers, Principals & Officials

Video Evidence

How were these videos made?

WhatsApp groups were set up for different blocks/districts. Teachers were encouraged to post their photos, videos and any questions in the WhatsApp groups, much of the footage in this video was shared by classroom teachers.

Implementation Roadmap


  • System-wide Adopt across a broad geographical area to race towards universal FLN before NIPUN deadline.
  • Research Implementation Take up ALfA in one of the least-performing districts or blocks. Measure the impact after 30-45 days.


  • Incorporate into curriculum Merge ALfA materials with the existing textbooks.Reduce some pages to avoid duplication, keeping overall printing cost low.
  • Scaffold for Impact After the ALfA study materials are completed in 30-45 days, students move to more rapidly complete their regular textbooks.


  • Training Cascade In-person training can be cascaded by empowering a sequence of master trainers and trainers.
  • Massive Open Online Training MOOT online training is very effective and highly interactive. It saves time.

Global Advisory Committee

A Call to Action

Everyone has an important role to play - from policymakers to principals to parent. Join the ALfA learning revolution!


Conduct an ALfA pilot in your context to gather evidence on its efficacy

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Help convert the ALfA toolkit to new languages, enabling more children access to free, high-quality learning materials

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Join us at an upcoming in-person or online event, such as the Leadership Circle (19-20 February 2025).

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Engage with policymakers, raising your voice for educational transformation.

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